410.00 €
Kettle hat based on a model from the fourteenth century. A deep helmet made of 2mm thick hardened steel.
Kettle hat based on a model from the fourteenth century. A deep helmet made of 2mm thick hardened steel. Product made by one of the best Polish armourers. A complex and careful execution process takes time. However, it translates into quality. Hence, the deadlines for completing the order are quite distant. The waiting time is about half a year.
The infrantry need a helmet, which provides good protection and does not reduce effectiveness on the battlefield. Fighting in formation gives possibility to not covered the face and having great mobility during combat. It has influence on better protection against hits makes form above. The best way to protect in that way was kettle hat, because it looks like big hat covering head and arms.
Kettle hat became very popular in Europe since end of XII century. It’s shape was defferent during centuries. The brimmed could be flat or diagonal, wider or narrower. But still it had to protect head and arms of warrior. During battle it was enough for soldier inside of formation. The helmet was still in using up to XVII century.
The kettle hat was also used by light cavalry because of its advantages. It gave them possibility to using range weapon and good protection againts the hits.
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Bascinet Klappenvisier Rotenburg
650.00 €